Out on location, a start on a fall painting near an island pond. The colors of foliage here are olive, gold, red and mustard. Though, it's not like fall in New England, the fall colors here in Washington have a certain kind of beautiful feel.
Hopefully the weather will cooperate for another day or 2 out on location.
Good news, our weekly figure drawing group is hanging a show at the Island Arts Museum this week. The opening will be on Friday , Oct 17, 5 to 7 pm. Participating artists include Ann Walbert, Paul Chadwick, Bryne Barnard, Richard Barnhart, Linda Degnan-Cobos, Matt Dollahite, and myself.
I was just informed that one of my 100 Soldiers series was choosen to be the featured artwork on
Artdoxa, an international website devoted to contemporary art.